The Busch Group has once again donated 3,000 Euro to the women“s counseling center in Lörrach. Since 2019, the company has been regularly supporting the charity. It uses the money for its prevention projects against sexual violence, which run under the motto „courage feels good.“
Over four days, the participants in the prevention projects, mostly primary school students in the third and fourth grades, practice listening to their gut feelings and drawing personal boundaries. They learn about their right to say no and seek help. They train to distinguish good secrets from bad ones and to name body parts.
„The aim is to teach children language and body knowledge so that they are able to recognize and name border violations,“ explains Stephanie Lais-Maier, prevention specialist and managing member of the women“s counseling center.
Music and theater scenes help children to better understand themselves and become clear about their own boundaries and feelings.
The „courage feels good“ projects are financed by the Fritz Berger Fund from the city and the district of Lörrach. „For everything that goes beyond 25 projects, we need to raise additional money. We are therefore very pleased that Busch regularly supports us with donations,“ Stephanie Lais-Maier continues.
In 2024, the women“s counseling center in Lörrach was able to realize 35 „courage feels good“ projects. They mainly took place at primary schools, but also at disability aid institutions and special educational training and counseling centers.
Another focus of the work carried out by the women“s counseling center, which has been active in Lörrach since 1992, is to support victims of sexual or domestic violence. It also provides victim support in criminal proceedings and helps people suffering from eating disorders.
Since 2019, Busch has donated a total of 14,700 Euro to support the organization“s work.
Bildquelle: Nailia Schwarz –
The Busch Group is one of the world“s largest manufacturers of vacuum pumps, vacuum systems, blowers, compressors and gas abatement systems. Under its umbrella, the group houses three well-known brands: Busch Vacuum Solutions, Pfeiffer Vacuum+Fab Solutions and centrotherm clean solutions.
The extensive product and service portfolio includes solutions for vacuum, overpressure and abatement applications in all industries, such as food, semiconductors, analytics, chemicals and plastics. This also includes the design and construction of tailor-made vacuum systems and a worldwide service network.
The Busch Group is a family business that is managed by the Busch family. More than 8,000 employees in 44 countries worldwide work for the group. Busch is headquartered in Maulburg, Baden-Württemberg, in the tri-country region of Germany, France and Switzerland.
The Busch Group manufactures in its 19 own production plants in China, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, India, Romania, South Korea, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the USA and Vietnam.
The Busch Group has an annual consolidated revenue of close to 2 billion Euro.
Busch Vacuum Solutions
Florian Held
Schauinslandstrasse 1
79689 Maulburg
+49 (0)7622 681 3376
Busch Vacuum Solutions
Fabian Fahlbusch
Schauinslandstrasse 1
79689 Maulburg
+49 (0)7622 681 – 3379